Limarí Valley Vineyard
almost 400km north of Santiago and just 20km from the coast
Terroir characteristics
The Limarí Valley is located almost 400 km to the north of Santiago and 20 km from the coast. The area has a semi-arid climate with dry plains and a cool, coastal influence. The area is dominated by stony alluvial soil composed of volcanic rocks that were smoothed by the dragging erosion from the top of the Andes. Additionally there is a high concentration of calcium carbonate and some presence of clay that are all key elements that differentiate the soils where the vineyard is located. There is significant thermic amplitude during the ripening period, up to 20°C difference between day and night temperatures whilst rainfall is very scarce in this area, averaging less than 250 mm per year.
Maximum temperatures between 29 - 30°C and minimum of 9-10°C
Just 250mm yearly average